Uganda: Who Are Our True Heroes?

 Uganda: Who Are Our True Heroes? 

I know that many of our heroes are unsung and undecorated. 

Regardless, I admire millions of our peasants, hundreds of our educators, medical professionals and security forces on whose blessed hands and will to serve our country, majority are kept fed, enlightened and safe. You are my true heroes. 

It’s unfortunate though, that all these people who brave terrible conditions to keep our beloved country together are often let down by greedy and ever evil schemers and would be custodians of public good. 

It's good that this day is celebrated immediately after Uganda Martyrs Day and in the month of June. This is the month which also marks the end of the 12-month planning, budgeting, or revenue cycles. 

Its also a month to display in reality what our true heroes really struggle(d) for each day through a state of nation address.

Generals Fred Rwigyema (RIP) and Salim Saleh, Heroes of the NRA Liberation Struggle.

It's therefore important for the political class and public servants to use this day to reflect and take full stock. To reflect on whether the ideas and sacrifices that our many patriots shed blood and sweat for truly confound our public responsibility. Its not okay to reward these many patriots with theft and misuse funds meant to spark their total liberation. It’s a breach of trust. 

Corruption destroys social and economic structures and causes irreparable harm to a people's consensus building spirit. The deflation of our social and economic structures allows entry of evil forces in society. This weakens patriotism and sets us on the path of anxiety and self destruction. 

Therefore, let's not just celebrate as a routine. Let's instead conduct a deep reflection on the loosening binders of our coexistence as a nation and begin to act jointly.

Happy Heroes Day to you all

By our Reader

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